Pastor Wayne
Wayne Aarum has lived all his life on the same farm property in rural Delevan, NY. Wayne holds a B.A. degree from Cornerstone University in Psychology and Bible Studies. His ministry includes service as the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Arcade where he is in his 20th year and as the pastor and manager at his family-owned Christian youth camp where he has worked full-time for the past 20 years.
After graduating from college, Wayne worked at the Circle C Ranch for a year until Pastor James Andrews, the Founding Pastor of The Chapel, recruited him to be The Chapel’s Youth Pastor for the High School Youth Group. He worked under Dr. Andrews from 1990 to 2000, the year after Dr. Andrews died. In 2000, Wayne went to work for the Circle C Ranch full-time. The Ranch is owned by Living Waters Ministries, Inc., a New York not-for-profit corporation that operates a youth camp licensed by the State of New York annually since 1972. Wayne serves on the Board of Directors of the Living Waters Ministries corporation along with other family members and two independent members.